

塔の日 - 無花果香料塔&焦糖蘋果塔

太久沒有做塔了....因為做塔會很麻煩, 又不會常常吃.........

但是今天還是很想做, 因為我在農墟買了本地新鮮有機的無花果.......

以前看到食譜做到無花果塔, 但都買不到做不到.........

所以, 我做了一個無花果塔, 一個無花果香料塔, 一個期望了很久想做的塔.......


一個批皮, 加上杏仁鮮奶油餡, 上面放上切片的熟透的無花果, 加上浸滿蛋汁的香料麵包焗製的, 味道不知如何, 明天才知道, 因為太晚了, 吃了會很飽的~~

因為做一個批, 做多的批皮和杏仁餡會很浪費的, 所以我又做多了一個批, 剛好, 所有批皮和杏仁餡用完了.......


這個批的味道很好, 配上冷冷的香草雪糕, 一口熱熱的焦糖蘋果, 一口雪糕, 爽呀!!
加上用了特大的富士蘋果, 很爽口的蘋果, 上面爽爽的蘋果條, 下面煮得軟軟的焦糖蘋果, 正~~~

傻了, 不斷大讚自己的東西...........哈哈, 太驕傲了~~~

P.S. 食譜來自一本我買幾年的書, 叫千變萬化的塔
P.S. 相片是用了針孔相機效果拍的, 因為新相機的新功能, 影出來比正常有味道有個性


Crossroad Internship - Being a Barista in Cafe

Starting my intern these two day.....

It is a voluteer work, but I think it is worth to do it, because I can learn something I never meet before and I can step closer to my dream.

What is my post?

My post is a staff in Cafe in Crossroad.

In this two day, especially today, I learn much about the coffee, such as the difference between Cap and Latte, Lasie, Smoothies....

I love this one..... I love being a staff in Cafe.......

After this intern, I may find a part-time in Starbucks. Yeah~

By the way, What is Crossroad?

Crossroad is a NGO in Tuen Mun and help lots of poor people around the world.
The office site will tell u much about Crossroad.
And The Silk Road Café and the shop sell almost all fair trade product and help the poor people not to be squeezed by the shopper. Besides Coffee, you can taste special drink from India.