這一個司康超好吃, 每天早上, 用焗爐翻熱一下, 外脆內軟, 塗上果醬, 正~~
來自橫田秀夫的食譜, 橫田秀夫萬歲月!!
Recipe (from 高名氣的烤菓子)
about 7 scones
Flour 中筋麵粉 300g
Baking powder 泡打粉 17g
Butter 牛油 67g
Egg 全蛋 75g
Sugar 細砂糖 57g
Milk 牛奶117g
Dried Cranberry 蔓越莓乾 40g
1. Shift the flour, baking powder and mix with the hard butter and use the beater to mix everything in to a powdered mixture. It will be a light yellow color
將所有粉類過篩, 加入已切丁的冰凍牛油, 用攪拌器低速攪拌至淡黃色粉末狀
2. Mix with sugar, egg and milk and put in the fridge and cool it down into cold liquid
另外將蛋, 糖, 奶拌勻, 放入雪櫃充分冰涼
3. Chop dried cranberry into small pieces and mix into the butter-flour mixture
把隨意切碎的蔓越莓乾加入1 中, 拌勻
4. Add the liquid into butter-flour mixture and mix into a dough
將2 的液體倒入3 中, 搓成一個麵糰, 拌勻放上保鮮紙包好
5. Put in the fridge for 1 hours
放入雪櫃冷藏1 小時
6. Roll it into 2 cm thick dough, stamp out scone dough with 5cm round cutter and put all small dough into fridge for 1 hour
用一點手粉, 將麵糰幹至2 cm 厚, 用直徑5cm 的圓形模壓型, 放入雪櫃冷藏1 小時
7. Put egg yolk on the surface of the scone
8. Put into a preheated oven 200C for 13min
放入200C 的焗爐焗13 min
P.S. 中英對照, 以便我的朋友看, 雖然我的英文好差, 但是我盡力將中文的食譜改成英文的~~