


Caramel and Chocolate and Nut Mousse 焦糖堅果巧克力慕斯 (附食譜)

朋友離去, 雖然我和她只認識了短短的時間.........但是我很喜歡和她一起工作的日子

應她的要求做了這個雙層慕斯蛋糕 - 焦糖和堅果巧克力慕斯

我發現大山榮藏的食譜真的很好, 連續兩星期都是做他的食譜, 朋友們都很喜歡, 是高質素的甜品~~嘻嘻~


朋友喜歡, 太好了!!

另外我還做了慕斯杯在CAFE 中售賣, 食譜一樣, 材料不同, 以下用的是公平貿易的巧克力, DARK CHOCOLATE 出來顏色很出色, 味道一流~~

而這一個是Dark chocolate mousse, 入面加入少少Rasberry puree 讓味道有點果味~

上面的是堅果巧克力慕斯, 裝飾是焦糖山核桃和杏仁可可豆焦糖片



牛奶巧克力  Milk chocolate 100g
牛奶  milk 125ml
蛋黃 egg yolk 3 個
砂糖 sugar 30g
魚膠片gelatin 3g
堅果醬 nut paste 50g
鮮奶油 whipping cream 250g

1. 牛奶巧克力切碎, 和堅果醬混合 Chop the chocolate and mix with nut paste
2. 蛋黃砂糖混合, 倒入已溫熱的牛奶, 攪拌均勻後, 倒入煲中煮至83C, 加入已浸軟的魚膠片 Mix with egg yolk and sugar and pour the hot milk. Boil the egg yolk mixture till 83C. Add gelatin to the egg yolk mixture
3. 將2 倒入牛奶巧克力中 Pour mixture in the procedure 2 into the chocolate
4. 用刮刀慢慢混合放涼 Mix slowly and then cool it down
5. 倒入已打發的鮮奶油中混合 Pour the chocolate mixture into the whipped cream


Chocolat Caramel - 巧克力焦糖蛋糕(附食譜)

我的好友生日, 第一次為她做蛋糕, 我一定應她的要求做個巧克力或焦糖的蛋糕~~

不斷找不斷找家中的食譜, 竟然發現有一個可以滿足她的蛋糕


入面有巧克力慕斯, 焦糖慕斯和杏仁海綿蛋糕..........

但是因為海綿蛋糕做得太薄, 所以加入了手指餅做圍邊, 但是又忘記灑糖霜, 令它變得黏黏, 一點都不美~

不過, 巧克力和焦糖慕斯超好吃和超滑~~

特別是焦糖慕斯, 一點都不難做~~

裝飾方面, 做了可可焦糖片 和沒有裙邊的蛋白杏仁餅

餘下的材料, 便做了慕斯杯~


Chocolate mousse

Milk 125ml
Egg yolk  40g
Sugar 35g
Gelatin 3g
55% dark chocolate 100g
Whipping cream 250g

1. Heat the milk before it boils
2. Mix sugar and egg yolk together, beat it and pour milk into the egg yolk mixture and pour all back in the pan and reboil it to 83C and the texture will become a little bit thick.
3. Add the gelatin (soaked with water before) into the mixture and melt all gelatin.
4. Pour this egg yolk mixture into the chopped chocolate and wait for 3 min and start to mix it untill all chocolate melt.
5. Filter the mixture in (4)
6. Beat the whipping cream untill it become thick
7. Mix the chocolate mixture with whipped cream

Caramel Mousse ( size: 15 cm round cake )
Cream A  40ml
Sugar  40g
Gelatin  2g
Cream B   150g

1. Heat sugar into brown, golden caramel texture
2. Add warm Cream A inside
3. Add gelatin that is already soaked in the water into the caramel
4. Whip the cream till thick
5. Add a little amount of cream to dilute the caramel
6. Pour the caramel into the whipped cream and mix it

Rosemary Biscotti (附食譜)

Thank you everyone who love my Biscotti today!

This one is crunchy and healthy because no butter inside~

The recipe is for Helen and Masha, hope you guy understand what I mean la~


今日拎左番CAFE 賣, 大家都讚好吃~~

佢有好多層次的, 首先你會吃到橙味, 之後會有杏仁和開心果的味道, 然後咸味便會出來, 超好吃~~不過下次會落多點Rosemary 因為吃唔到Rosemary 的味道.....


Around 35 pieces for 1cm thick, 70 pieces for 0.5cm thick

Cake flour 250g
Baking powder 2.5g
Sugar 175g
Salt 2g ( Sea salt will be better)
Almond 125g
Pistachio 25g
Orange zest  1/2 of the orange
Lemon zest   1/2 of the lemon
Rosemary     fresh one: 1/2 branch , dry one: 1/2  teaspoon
Egg  100g
Vanila Essence 2g

1. Chop almond into large pieces and put chopped almond and pistachio in the oven 180c for 5 min in order to bake them into golden and crispy.
2. Chop rosemary leaf into very small pieces
3. Shift all powder and mix with sugar, salt, nuts, orange and lemon zest, rosemary.
4. add egg and vanlia essence into 3 and mix them in to a dough
5. Divide the dough into two portion and shape it into a cuboid with 1.5cm height and 6cm wide
6. Put the dough on the baking tray and bake it in 190C 20 min
7. Then, cut it into 5mm/1 cm thick pieces and rebake it in 190C for 8 min, turn over it for 5min till the middle part become dry.  Be careful it will easily turn black and over-cooked.

蔓越莓司康 - cranberry scone (附食譜)

這一個司康超好吃, 每天早上, 用焗爐翻熱一下, 外脆內軟, 塗上果醬, 正~~

來自橫田秀夫的食譜, 橫田秀夫萬歲月!!

Recipe (from 高名氣的烤菓子)

about 7 scones
Flour   中筋麵粉  300g
Baking powder  泡打粉 17g
Butter  牛油 67g
Egg 全蛋 75g
Sugar 細砂糖  57g
Milk 牛奶117g
Dried Cranberry 蔓越莓乾  40g

1. Shift the flour, baking powder and mix with the hard butter and use the beater to mix everything in to a powdered mixture. It will be a light yellow color
將所有粉類過篩, 加入已切丁的冰凍牛油, 用攪拌器低速攪拌至淡黃色粉末狀

2. Mix with sugar, egg and milk and put in the fridge and cool it down into cold liquid
另外將蛋, 糖, 奶拌勻, 放入雪櫃充分冰涼

3. Chop dried cranberry into small pieces and mix into the butter-flour mixture
把隨意切碎的蔓越莓乾加入1 中, 拌勻

4. Add the liquid into butter-flour mixture and mix into a dough
將2 的液體倒入3 中, 搓成一個麵糰, 拌勻放上保鮮紙包好

5. Put in the fridge for 1 hours
放入雪櫃冷藏1 小時

6. Roll it into 2 cm thick dough, stamp out  scone dough  with 5cm round cutter and put all small dough into fridge for 1 hour
用一點手粉, 將麵糰幹至2 cm 厚, 用直徑5cm 的圓形模壓型, 放入雪櫃冷藏1 小時

7. Put egg yolk on the surface of the scone

8. Put into a preheated oven 200C for 13min
放入200C 的焗爐焗13 min

P.S. 中英對照, 以便我的朋友看, 雖然我的英文好差, 但是我盡力將中文的食譜改成英文的~~


sth want to say to myself.......

Going outside with my friend.........but it make me thinking of u.........

everytime I think of u, I want to ask why I seem to single but i am in relationship............

everything i face with my self. I want to talk to someone, I just talk with my brother , my friend, how about u ? every time i saw u in the faace book. I just want to know, if u are not tired, why dont u just have a call with me rather getting on facebook.........

I give up, I set a deadline for myself. Till end of Aug, if I still like being a single, I must make myself to be a single, becoz I have already lived as single now. Only one difference is whether I am brave enough to face everything.

I dont know whether I am brave to do everything. But I dont want to make myself hurt for a long time. everytime u phone me then i seem to recover a while, but everything still go wrong, the problem still we need to solve...........

I always suspect why u feel so tired that even a call, a msg, a facebook msg cannot make one for me. i have tried working, but even i am so tired, i also wait for 9:30 for ur call.... but y u cannot do that....... i feel disappointed for long time...........sometimes, i just want to give everything up ........


鄉村芝士蛋糕 (附食譜)

很少做芝士蛋糕, 因為很漏, 一定會吃很長時間
做來做去都是藍莓芝士蛋糕, 因為媽媽愛吃, 加上重乳酪蛋糕, 容易做, 芝士量又用得多~

看見VANLILY 的BLOG 見到這一個蛋糕, 她說因為巴馬臣芝士令到芝士蛋糕咸咸地, 沒有這麼漏, 所以便做這一個蛋糕, 又可以練習一下做日式芝士蛋糕的技巧嗎~~

做法簡單, 外表又純樸~~

今天拿了回CAFE, 朋友們吃完都覺得好味道~真開心~~
最難忘的是她說, 她終於吃到了似芝士蛋糕的芝士蛋糕!!

食譜 來自Vanlily chan

忌廉芝士 300g
Parmesan Cheese 50g
練奶 13g
牛奶 130g
牛油 50g
糖A 40g
蛋黃 3個
蛋白 3個
糖 B40g
粟粉 13g
檸檬汁 6g
1) 室溫忌廉芝士加入練奶拌勻至無顆粒, 也可用bamix打發
2) Parmesan Cheese刨碎後, 加入牛奶和牛油煮至溶
3) 蛋黃加糖A拌勻, 再加入粟粉及檸檬汁
4) 糖B分3次加入蛋白成蛋白霜(濕性打發)
5) (2) 牛奶加入(1)芝士中拌勻, 再把(3)的蛋黃加入, 然後再將蛋白加入
6) 倒入模中, 以180C焗30mins